Ahmed’s work on sharp-wave ripple features in macaques is out(ish) in Hippocampus: https://doi.org/10.1002/hipo.23046
Lab News
Park City Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 2018

The Winter Conference on Learning and Memory 2018 was great. I look forward to co-organizing next year’s meeting. We’ll be sure to include a High West Distillery stop!
Inside Scientific wireless webinar was a success!

We described our recent work recording from the macaque wirelessly in free-behaving environments. See Methods, which we’ll update with our latest advances.
The ripple paper is out! http://bit.ly/2jnFeLF
Dr. Leonard’s latest relating SWR rate and remembered (goal) objects
In the news: Tim’s team beats traffic

Read more about it here, or visit the team’s website. Nice work, Tim!
Agincourt Library Cutting Edge talk
Thanks for the great questions, Agincourt crowd. We shut the place down! Part of the Krembil Foundation funded Cutting Edge series.
Brentwood library lecture
What an engaged crowd, and a really nice location. My first experience being live tweeted: Memories in the Malleable Mind @torontolibrary #brain @yorkuniversity pic.twitter.com/YMwVFEMZm9 — Glenda MacDonald (@glenda_macd) March 11, 2015