Fig. 2 from Ranganath and Ritchey, 2012. Network of brain regions supporting memory-guided behavior involving people, places and things. This testable framework my prove to have some arrows missing or a little off the mark, but we think it's a good place to start.

Fig. 2 from Ranganath and Ritchey, 2012. Network of brain regions supporting memory-guided behavior. This testable framework may prove to have some arrows that are missing or that are a little off the mark, but we think it’s a good place to start.

Forming memories. What are neurons doing as we explore our surroundings that leads to the expression of memory for those surroundings? Depending on the task demands, cells in the medial temporal lobe are implicated in this process, including those in the dentate, CA3/CA2(yes)/CA1, subiculum and entorhinal cortex. We’re also interested in connected areas that are thought to interact in this process, using memory to improve actions.

Memory consolidation. We are also interested in what neurons do after periods of exploration. Memory for a given experience can be disrupted in various ways immediately or shortly afterwards, whereas the same disruptions lose their effectiveness with elapsed time from the experience. The process of becoming resistant to interference (‘memory consolidation’)  has been described for over a century, yet the neural basis for this phenomenon is still unclear. We record neural ensemble activity before, during, and after an experience,  to see whether or not the activity may support a kind of stabilization of the memory. One (albeit contentious) candidate mechanism is memory trace reactivation that coincides with sharp-wave ripples in the hippocampus.

We only know whether something is remembered or forgotten by observing changes in behaviors that we attribute to the memory for prior experiences.  This can be measured with verbal report, time to locate or respond to target items in the environment, predictive responses to predictable (learned) stimuli, and changes in exploration that tell us about perceived novelty. We compare the responses of neurons/neural populations for items or events that are remembered to the responses when trials are forgotten or when they are first encountered. See below for more details.



Changes in hippocampal activity during memory-guided visual search


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